[ concept ]

“Behind every woman, there is another woman who inspired her”

This promo highlights the unbreakable bond between iconic women, championing how women kick doors down and shape one another


We go through pages of impactful women’s images and videos. With each layer another piece is added to the picture pushing the idea that underneath one woman there’s another who inspired her.

Reference Imagery


Women are where they are today because of other women.

Women encourage each other, pass on their knowledge and build each other up. Underneath every woman there’s another woman who inspired or moulded her.


Exploring the use of paper textures and layering imagery between different women

Exploring the use of compositing and experimenting with paper edge textures

Exploring the mixed media methods of combining static imagery with moving footage

Exploring newspaper layouts that convey the powerful message in a few seconds

[ Motion Designers: Shraddha Depala, Sonia Figueiredo Dos Santos ]

Concept development. Art direction. Pitching. End-to-end motion design work in collaboration with Sonia Figueiredo Dos Santos